S1E25: Marriage and Parenting - Expectation and Reality (ft. my Psychiatrist Husband)
Each chapter of life teaches us different lessons but can different chapters work together?
Nathan and I have been married for 10 years with almost 6 years of parenting. There were a lot of ups and downs. There were fights and celebrations. Even though it is difficult, we believe that parenting and doing life together as a couple brought out (and continues to) the best in each of us. In the next few episodes, Nathan and I want to share stories, laughter, and mistakes on what it has been like to be married and parenting together.
In this episode, my husband and I share our hearts and stories about what we expected parenting would be and what it is today. No amount of resources and books can prepare you for the moment you get that baby in your arms. Nathan and I time travel to our mental and emotional growth journey we took before and after we had our children.